My Good Week productivity blog

Timeboxing: The Most Effective Productivity Tool

Timeboxing: The Most Effective Productivity Tool

Doing many activities could become a complete nightmare if there is no discipline and time organization. How many times have you come across the frustration that a task that was supposed to take you 30 minutes turned out to take more than 2 hours?

This is more common than you might think, and that’s why we want to introduce you to timeboxing, a new time management tool that has become very popular in the last few years.

What is Timeboxing and How Can It Help You Improve Your Productivity?

Timeboxing is an organizational strategy that allows you to create specific blocks of time for productivity as well as meet realistic goals. It is designed so that people stop being driven by a random order in their tasks, establishing a daily routine free of the setbacks that procrastination brings.

It is a very effective methodology because it allows the designing of a system that will define a specific timeline in which a task will be carried out. This can be established in terms of days, minutes, or hours. Everything will depend on the degree of difficulty of the activity.

By implementing timeboxing, you can:

  • Better manage your time
  • Increase your focus and concentration
  • Improve your work quality
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Achieve more in less time

How to Use Timeboxing?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use timeboxing to manage your tasks more effectively:

1. Make a List of All Your To-Dos

Start by making a list of all the tasks you need to complete for the week. This will help you get a clear picture of what needs to be done and avoid missing any important tasks.

2. Prioritize 1 to 3 Tasks

Once you have your list, prioritize the most important tasks. It’s recommended that you choose only 1 to 3 tasks that you feel cannot be put off. Trying to do everything at once not only affects the performance and quality of the work done, but also puts all aspects of productivity at risk.

3. Set a Block of Time for Each Activity

For each task, set a specific amount of time to complete it. It’s essential to be realistic about this, as setting an unrealistic time frame can cause more frustration than productivity. Also, include times of rest and disconnection to help you recover energy and resume your responsibilities with the best enthusiasm.

4. Activate Your Timer and Start Working

Once you’ve established your priorities and the amount of time you will dedicate to each of them, use a timer or time tracking application to notify you when it’s time to stop and move on to the next task. Defining a time period will not only incentivize you to be more productive, but it will also keep you focused on the task, which will make you attend to all its details.

5. Keep Track of the Activities Carried Out

It’s crucial to track your progress to ensure that you’re meeting your goals. My Good Week is a habit tracker that can help you keep track of all the activities scheduled in your Google Calendar. This way you can see the results of your weekly goals with their percentage of fulfillment, which will help you to make a self-evaluation, make adjustments and continue to move forward in the application of this method.


Timeboxing is a fantastic tool that can help you increase productivity, manage your time better, and achieve more in less time. Regardless of whether you will use this time management technique or any other of your preference, be sure to track and evaluate your work statistics with My Good Week. Undoubtedly, in conjunction with Google Calendar, it is an ideal complement to accompany you in your routine tasks.

Are you ready to stop procrastinating and start being productively effective in your daily tasks?

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